Noticing Joy

Noticing Joy, Fine Art
Noticing Joy

Fine Art    7 x 308 x 7    CA$500.00   

This book structure incorporates pages devoted to text about joy and visual memories. I asked myself questions like what does true joy feel like and where did I feel it in my body? How could I uncover more joy in my life? The journey into noticing and appreciating joy became a diary of discovery of seeing, remembering and hearing and recording the many surprises. The process increased my awareness of the everyday and moments of wonder. The most important thing I learned was that I had to pay attention and be open to noticing.
Materials and Process:
Paper, acrylics, watercolours, collage, Posca pens, fineliners. There are 44 square pages in the book which are joined together to unfold as a concertina.